Hello Everyone,
Gyan this side, I’m a hobbyist designer, aspiring chef and an explorer. First of thank you for joining me here. I believe we all are unique and everyone of us knows something that other person don’t. So, I always wanted to create a space where we can explore things, learn things, share things in a different way. I know there are already so many places like medium, youtube, facebook, linkedin and list goes on. But there is some thing which doesn’t feel right over there. I don’t the exact answer as of now but it is there.
So to cut the story short and explore what i know I started with a blogspot site and reached here in last 2-3 months. And taking my time to deliver a brand new product in market. A blog based Product which helps everyone to document their learning, share it with others, learn from other and inspire people around. I just couldn’t help but feel excited that there is so much to bring in this space than I can probably write at this moment .
Now back on point i have delivered the basic outlined product and be looking for you to join me on this journey to create something that we can be proud of. If you are someone who can contribute in any way please connect with [email protected]
Due to timing constrains I am closing it right here. But will update it.
Thank you